How the Site is Organised
There are two ways that you can use this site. The first, and the most straightforward, is to scroll down the front page where you can “Browse the Full Collection”, select one image to open in "Gallery View" and then swipe to view, click on the image to magnify. Alternatively, we have used four themes to group the entries, tied directly to the colours and themes of IWD; the colours and themes of the WSPU suffrage party from 1908. So, those under the Purple landing card are aligned with themes of Justice and Dignity, the Green aligned with Hope and the White with Purity. As you will notice, I have added a fourth to correspond with the NUWSS party; for more detail see the Red landing card on our home page, entitled Society and Community. This may seem an arbitrary way to organise each entry, however, how the definitions of these themes have changed since the nineteenth century provides an enlightening narrative in and of itself. If a piece did not ‘fit’ into a theme, I have not allocated it to any section, therefore you will find a fuller list of pieces by browsing the entire catalogue of images and attributions.